Lynsey Stares Hypnotherapy
Telephone/WhatsApp: 07932795066
About me

I'm Lynsey, and I’m a qualified solution-focused hypnotherapist. I’m 48 years old, married to Jamie, and have two grown-up sons.
I haven’t always been a hypnotherapist. My journey into hypnotherapy began long before I decided to formally train. It started when I suffered from anxiety at the age of 34. The thing is, I had a good life. I didn’t struggle financially, had lots of friends, a supportive partner, and two lovely boys who didn’t give me any trouble. What did I have to feel anxious about? Yet, I couldn’t understand why I felt the way I did. It affected my confidence and began to impact my day-to-day life. At work, I just wanted to fade into the background. The hardest part was admitting that I was struggling mentally. I felt like no one would understand. Then, a friend told me about her experience with a hypnotherapist who helped her overcome a fear of public speaking. She spoke very highly of hypnotherapy and explained how much it had helped her. I was intrigued but nervous about trying it myself. I had preconceived ideas about hypnotherapy, imagining it as the kind of thing you’d see on TV or at the local pub on a Saturday night. I thought the hypnotherapist would somehow control me while I was in a trance, but I now know this isn’t true. During hypnotherapy, the client remains in complete control of their mind and body at all times.
I started practising self-hypnosis at home, and gradually, I began to make the changes I needed. I set boundaries for myself and started focusing more on my own wellbeing. As my confidence grew, my anxiety lessened. Slowly but surely, I began to take back control of my life.
I went on to set up a childminding business, which I ran successfully for eight years. I loved working with children and supporting parents, and it was incredibly rewarding to see the children develop, knowing I had contributed to their growth. Working closely with parents was equally fulfilling.
After eight years, I decided it was time for a career change and became a Community Champion for a well-known supermarket. In this role, I worked with and supported local food banks and clothing banks, liaised with schools, and collaborated with charities. I also set up groups to help people struggling with mental health issues, loneliness, and low confidence. This opened my eyes to how many people face challenges such as anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, depression, and even physical conditions like obesity and IBS. I realised that many people felt the same way I did when I was struggling with anxiety, and I began to ask myself, Can I help?
That’s when I started exploring different types of hypnotherapy. I found that solution-focused hypnotherapy was the perfect fit for me. Not only are the sessions positive and forward-looking, but they also involve explaining the neuroscience behind how the brain works and why we feel the way we do. This is a vital part of the process, as it equips clients with the knowledge and understanding needed to shift their mindset and create lasting change.